WELCOME TO MY HOMESIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HELLO DARKLINGS!!!! My name is GoffBoi and I am a Tru-Gothic, unleik most of the folks who go to Draculas Ball. Sheesh! Whatta bunch of posers!!!! I liek going out clubing and I never have a problem sneaking into the relaly cool clubs like Drax. (Thats what we call it. Drax. For Draclas ball.) I have a girlfriend and her gothick name is Myrvynne heres a picture of her isnt she scary but beautfil at the same time??? I love dark girls and i'm trying to be a bi--sexual, but my dad would kill me if he know...

UPDATE 9/99:: That's right, I took your picture down you fucking CUNT!!!! I hoep you see this page and i don't care *_WHAT_* Sarah says!!!

We always have a great time when we go out to clubing like at Drax. People are so jealous of our Tru-Goth-Love. They alwaya ignore us but and thats because they cant understand!!,< that what we got is a speical relationship.

Here's a picture taken at Drax last year. I HATE PICTURES OF MYSELF!

You can doubleclick on the picture if you want to see me up closer! Heeheehee!

I like roleplaying vampyres games with Myrvynne at Griselda's house and one day I hoep to move out of my parents and into my OWN fucking apartment in Riverside so I can have roleplaying games and my girlfriend Myrvynne can stay over whenever she wants and we can drink and do drugs.

Well, thats my story in a nutshell. I know this homesight is lame. Its my first try, so if you dont like it, FUCK YOU <j/k ----ROTFLMAO!!!>

I love to here from everybody so if you want to you can email me: goffboi@darkmanlywolf.com.

Heres a poam that I wrote its about my xgirlfiend Myrvynne I dont care if she ends up reding this.
Lady of Dispaire
LIke the song goes
your no good your no good baby your
no good. Gona say it agian.
You think your all dark n shit
BUt yoru really just shit
Gonna say it again. Your shit BR> your as see-thru as
the dark black onionskin
of my jogging shorts
yet not nearly as condusive
to good health.
Gonna say it again You make me ill

Like a squirel caught in a tall, tall, tall, tall tree
I wonder why you did that to me
when you knew
all along
how you kew
how to string me along
then you fucked him
\ so fuck you too.
you're not good

TO show you my love,
I gave it all to you
To show me your hate
you took it all awy again
Your nog ood.
I hoep you rotin hell.
I hope you read this!!!!
Hmm, that should have been a link. I have n't quite figured out all this programing yet! <g!>.


Ring of Pebbles
 GoffBoi is the owner of this site on the Ring of Pebbles
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